Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Core of the Matter

The fight between Apple and the FBI is over an iPhone. This isn’t just any iPhone though, this is the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters that killed 14 people. This phone might have information that the government could use to be aware of other terrorists that could be planning an attack. The FBI wants Apple to make a ”backdoor” to allow unlimited attempts for the password without deleting all of its memory. Apple declined this because there is not one software just for one device that can do this. With this, they will have to make a software for everyone’s phone. This is also an invasion of privacy according to 1st amendment. The FBI is referring back to the All Writs Act which states that anyone must give over anything for the government if they need it for any security reasons. I personally think that Apple should have to make a software that allows this. This is because it will eventually stop future terrorist attacks and more and more people will be captured

What do you think Apple should say to the government?
How will this  effect future attacks and will terrorists be smarter and not do it anymore?

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